Tuesday, May 28, 2013

blog entry #5

This was my Esher drawing, we had to use a lot of straight lines to create a building. I made a house and tried to make it different by adding some personality. The house everyone had to make had to have the 3-D effect by using perspective. We had to find the center of the drawing by starting with the base of the house. The roof had to be lined up with the vanishing points as well as all the other straight lines in this drawing. The idea was inspired by Esher who was a inspirational drawer.

Blog entry #4-

For this project we had to do photography. We had to choose places where we would feel comfortable and something that describes us. I chose the gym floor because i played volleyball for the school here. Volleyball has been a big part in my life so this describes me very well. I started by picking a spot where to take my pictures and here was very suiting for me.

blog entry #3- Acrylic Landscape Painting

For my painting I started by planning out what colors I was going to use and planning out the format. I used a couple pictures to plan out what it would look like on the actual thing. I first made the sky and planned to have a palm tree on shore but close up in the picture. The sun is setting so the water must be dark because it is beginning to be night time so the sun would pop out. I made the sky be the main part of the painting and in each quad section of the painting has a main part. It is suppose to be a sunset scene over the ocean. I blended the water and the sky a lot so they wouldn't look choppy, but togetherness. The sun is creating the light source and reflects over the water and to the shore. The sun reflects off the water and the sky to make it dynamic. My color scheme was complementary with range and blue. For the sky I used long horizontal brush strokes. the water I was using the same thing that i used for the sky, but I added wavy strokes to create the effect of waves. The tree had short choppy brush strokes that created the effect of a palm tree. Iblended the colors with thwater in sky and made it lighter or darker depending on the reflection or clouds.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ceramics project

Blog post #2
We used white and red clay to construct our project. it was 10.5 inches across and 3 inches deep. it was made to be used for a decorative bowl or a serving bowl. I used a lot from shape becasue it was a unique type of shape. The technique that was used was a brushing material and cutting boards, we also used a roller at the begginning of the project to create flat material that you could work with. my peice is good for a dish or a bowl. i used a slump style to create the shape of the bowl. I learned that patience is a virtue and hard work does pay off. i would have made minor differences becasue i know what i did wrong but i think that it was fine the way it was and i wouldnt do anything major to change it.

pastel still life

Entry #1
this is my pastel still life project. i started off by planning how the layout would be. i got out the real life objects and layed them out on my table for planning. a thumbnail sketch is something like a rough draft but it eliminates all the other surrounding objects and just focuses on the picture you want. i put shadows and continued to make the boxes and things look realistic and 3- dimensional. i put shadows around the object to show where the light source is coming from and to show valuse between the lights adn the darks.


showing our personalities through pictures.